Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC - Ukraine)


It is very hard to estimate tobacco consumption in Ukraine because statistical bodies collected these data before 1994 only in money terms. The statistical figures of tobacco sales since 1994 represent only some part of tobacco market as so called legal consumption (production + Import - export) is much higher (see Table 2). 

It is possible to estimate tobacco sale and consumption in late 1980s as 80 billions cigarettes per year, i.e. 2000 cigarettes per adult 15 years of age and over.

According to Tobacco Reporter (July, 1996) "manufacturers estimate Ukrainian consumed 60 to 65 billion pieces in 1995, including domestic production, import and smuggled cigarettes". Representative of the Reemtsma Company in Ukraine also estimated the tobacco consumption in Ukraine as rather low.

The researchers of International Centre For Policy Studies estimated cigarette consumption in 1999 as 70 billion cigarettes (32 billion filter ones and 38 billion non-filter ones). Some representatives of tobacco industry give figure of tobacco consumption as 75 billions or more but they do it to exaggerate the smuggling problem (see below). According to "Ukrainian tobacco" Association estimates, the overall market has declined from 80 billion cigarettes in 1990 to 65-70 billion cigarettes in 1999.

We could reasonably suggest that in late 1990s the annual consumption of cigarettes in Ukraine is about 65-70 billions or 1600-1700 cigarettes per adult 15 years of age and over.



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Журнал тех, кто не боится быть трезвым
Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
Центр помощи бросающим курить КВИТ
Международная Независимая Ассоциации Трезвости (МНАТ)
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine


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