Law of Ukraine on Advertising
(Adopted by the parliament of Ukraine on July, 3, 1996)
Article 21. Advertising for tobacco products and alcohol beverages.
1. Advertising for tobacco products and alcohol beverages:
· is prohibited on television and radio;
· is prohibited on products and in publications aimed mainly at persons under 18 years old, or in parts aimed at these persons of other printed materials;
· is prohibited on the first and last pages of newspapers, cover pages of magazines and other periodicals;
· should not include images of persons popular among youth under 18;
· is prohibited with photo models under 25 years old;
· shall not show the process of smoking or other consumption of tobacco products or alcohol beverages;
· shall not be placed nearer 200 meters from territory of kindergartens, schools and other institutions which provide education for persons under 18;
· shall not state that smoking or drinking contributes towards sport, social, sexual or other success and shall not create the impression that alcohol or tobacco is a stimulant, a sedative or a means of resolving personal problems;
· shall not encourage immoderate consumption of alcohol or tobacco or present abstinence from it in a negative light;
· shall not portray medical workers or persons who look like medical workers.
2. Advertising for tobacco products should provide information on their content of harmful substances and their quantities.
3. Advertising for tobacco products and alcohol beverages is prohibited in social and cultural settings, where mass performances take place (except special exibitional-advertising events).
4. The following advertising activities are prohibited:
· any free distribution of tobacco products and alcohol beverages samples;
· sponsorship of events aimed mainly for persons under 18 years old if the name or image of tobacco products and alcohol beverages is used;
· distribution and sale of goods (T-shirts, caps, plays, etc.) that have name and trade mark of tobacco products and alcohol beverages to persons under 18.
5. In all cases advertising for tobacco products and alcohol beverages should include warning on harm of tobacco and alcohol consumption, moreover this warning should cover at least 5 % of the advertisement area.
6. Advertisers of these products should direct for production of social advertising information on harm of alcohol and tobacco consumption at least 5 % of resources used for distribution in Ukraine their advertisements for tobacco products and/or alcohol beverages.
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