Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC - Ukraine)

Chapter 5. Economic analysis of the performance of state-owned and private tobacco companies with and without foreign investments from macro, micro and health perspective

5.1. Adverse health impact of tobacco investments

5.2. Short story of tobacco investments in Ukraine

5.3. Case study: Lviv tobacco factory - investment for closure

5.4. Amount of investments

5.5. Reconstruction and production at factories with foreign investments

5.6. Production at factories without foreign investments

5.7. Paid Taxes

5.8. Prices

5.9. "Quality" of cigarettes

5.10. Import of raw tobacco and export of cigarettes

5.11. Tobacco investments and the national economy development

5.12. Conclusions

5.13. Recommendations

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Сайт противостояния табачной индустрии
Журнал тех, кто не боится быть трезвым
Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
Центр помощи бросающим курить КВИТ
Международная Независимая Ассоциации Трезвости (МНАТ)
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine


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